DAIWA FISHING TIPS: Persistence for Murray Cod – Marc Ainsworth

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I talk about persistence a lot, especially when discussing Murray cod with friends less acquainted with freshwater fishing.

But what does persistence really mean and how does it actually manifest itself when I’m on the water chasing greenfish?

Belief – you’ve got to believe! In the lure you’re casting. In the location you’ve chosen. Whether or not you’re casting the single best lure, nobody will ever know. But believing it will work is vital! Just ask the Sporting Institutes who help elite athletes picture success before a race. If you believe, your chances of success increase. Without belief, go take up golf!

Endurance – long days on the water. Hour upon hour. That’s normal. Sure, once a year, the cod bite hard and you have a session to remember. But more often than not it’s a slog. Funny how one average fish on a tough day can be more rewarding than the same fish on the first cast another day. Earning it affects satisfaction! No doubt about it.

Repetition – you can be doing everything right and still catch nothing. Come back the next day and bang, the fish are on. Same spot. Same lure. Different day! So repetition is as much about putting 20 casts into a snag as it about returning to habitat that looks fishy! Day after day. Believe, remember?

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Acceptance – accepting the tough times and the long hours is important. It’s not like the TV shows or DVDs. It’s just not. Patience young jedi! Be prepared to come home with nothing. That doesn’t mean giving up early and heading back to camp. It means accepting that, on some days, no matter how hard you fish, it’s not going to happen. And importantly, ensuring days like that don’t break you. Rather, they just get you closer to the next big fish!

Like minded companions – who you fish with can make a big difference. Even if they’re along for the ride, they need to be supportive. They need to appreciate all the other reasons you go fishing, not just for a lunker! I have a small group of close pals I fish with. Especially for cod. We rejoice in each other’s success. It’s a team game for us.

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